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Omega Replica is a brand that I associate with stories. I first think of the Omega Replica. Then I think of the Omega Replica B-Rocket, and so on. What importance do you place on this storytelling?

This is increasingly true. Communication is the best way to sell a product and build an image. And communication is easier with a story. The best watches tell their own story, such as the BR S Diamond Eagle with its stars engraved into a dial of blue. The watch is all you need to understand.

Yeah. These watches were excellent... You saw the watch,Omega Replica and you knew immediately. You have to tell a story with other watches, like the Bellytanker. This will help the people travel through this universe. Why, for example, the vintage brown dial. The story behind the watch is more important than the actual product. This is what we hear from our retailers.

Let's be honest, the product that we sell isn't really needed in today's world. We don't really need watches anymore and at these prices, we could live without them. Why do we buy watches then? They evoke emotions. The stories, as well as the product design, finish and quality, can evoke an emotional response.

Do you think this is more important to the younger generation of watch purchasers?

I don't really know, but it seems to be a psychological thing. You are drawn to a watch by its smell, sensation, or emotion. As a designer, I use this as my starting point.Patek Philippe Nautilus Replica When I dream, I get new ideas. For example, when I see a man driving a belly tanker I think about what watch he is wearing. The concept makes it stronger.

As a designer, do you have to immerse yourself in the story?

Yeah. What's the source of all these ideas? When I speak to sales or marketing, they will say, "We need a woman's watch - a pink BR S, or a complication, or a timepiece under EUR3,000." I say, "OK, I'll do it." As a designer you must also propose a concept, new ideas to explore new territory, and innovate. We need to innovate and be different to stand out in this highly competitive market.

Omega Replica